And this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end will come” Matthew 24:14.
HOW CLOSE ARE WE TO THE END? Listen to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:32-33:
“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, know that summer is near: So likewise when you see all these things, know that the end is near, even at the door.”
THE END IS NEAR….EVEN AT THE DOOR! The Gospel will be PUBLISHED in all the earth and the EXCITING technology that will make this possible has already been developed and is being used NOW! Go to RENEWOUTREACH.COM. and see the equipment that EPI is now using. Our commitment is to REACH EVERY UNREACHED VILLAGE in our assigned part of God’s FIELD.
As we move forward with a commitment to reach every un-reached village, GOD is bringing together His plan for accomplishing this. EPI has planted 12 missionary families in Eastern Zambia and Western Mozambique, however over past three years, God has brought us together with CHURCH PLANTERS in 8 countries who have been equipped with a “battery operated, solar rechargeable” Jesus film system that fits into a BACK PACK. We are moving forward in FAITH trusting God to provide for the needs of each one of these MISSIONARY FAMILIES. What makes our concept of doing missions so effective is that we are raising up and training indigenous pastors who already live in our assigned mission field, who already know the language, who already know the customs and traditions of the people, who already know where the unreached villages are, and who already have a vision and passion to reach their people with the gospel. THE ONLY THING THEY LACK ARE RESOURCES. Listed for you is what EACH MISSIONARY FAMILY will need as they move forward in FAITH to accept the challenge of finishing well their RACE.
We must work while it is day…the night is coming! The fields are white unto harvest NOW! IF WE DO NOT REACH THEM NOW…..THEN WHEN? IF NOT US…..THEN WHO?
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1) TWO – Bicycles (Strongest Available)…….$450 2) ONE – Motorcycle (200cc / 4-Stroke)……$2250 3) ONE -Jesus Film Backpack (solar)………$1500 4) THREE Week planting process………….$3300 (Includes first year living expenses) TOTAL COST…………………………………$7500 |