International School Ministry

The public schools in Africa are very open to allowing religious groups and ministries to come into their school assemblies and speak. Unfortunately, this opens the door for the enemy to come into the school setting and share a false gospel. Most schools include religious education studies whereby students are taught bits and pieces of biblical truth however what is missing is how this truth fits into God’s BIG PICTURE of salvation! Most students and many teachers simply do not know to receive Jesus Christ and be SAVED. EPI is committed to sharing with the students and teachers a clear, correct, and compelling presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, bringing each person to the point of decision to receive Christ by faith and be Born Again. Every effort is then made to follow up with the schools and establish Scripture Union Classes in order to encourage these students to be fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.


A few moments from our Zambia, Africa and India ministries:


A few moments from our Ghana, Africa ministries: