Testimony from the November 2014 Project

November 28, 2014 in Testimonies

Hello my Directors John and Sharon.
To all who love EPI by supporting in prayer and needs. Thanks very much  for helping  me  reach this school in rural  Zambia. No one has reached  this school with the true gospel and given  hope for  salvation. The following is the  testimony  for  Kayaodzi  Basic School:
Yes it was in the month of November 2014 around 8am Zambia time that  I preached the true gospel  to all the teachers and pupils.  Most of the children and two teachers were touched with the message and 280 students and TWO TEACHERS indicated a desire to receive Jesus Christ.
This is great news  that we have won TWO TEACHERS:  MR.  COSMAS BANDA AND MRS.  BRIJET BANDA. This is a great news in our ministry right now that these two teachers have  left the Jehovahs’s  Witness Church and have joined  Azithona Baptist Church.
From the time Cosmas and Briject  have received  the right message they are coming to church every time and are  3 years in marriage with one child. We plan to baptize  Mr. Cosmas and Brijet in this coming November 2014. EPI Coordinator Iwell Phiri.

Testimony from the October 2014 Project

October 18, 2014 in Testimonies


Thanks to all who love and support EPI SCHOOL MINISTRY PROGRAM.  Please read the testimony from Chataika School in the southern part of Sinda in Chief  Nyanje’s area.
This testimony comes from the Head teacher Mr. Soko.

Thanks very much for pastor Iwell Phiri and Pastor John and Sharon for the good heart  to bring the true gospel to this school and start the Scripture Union Class. Yes this school has been unreached for more than 31 years. No one has come to preach the true gospel. It is a very big problem for us teachers for the boys and girls to drop out of school early. Most of the children get married at the age of 9 to 12 due to traditional lifestyles.  Most of the children stop coming to our school in grade 3 to 5. Very few pass to grade 9 and above.  Most of our children are attracted to the traditional ways like nyau dancing, masha, and mbanda etc.
But when EPI ministry came to this school more children have been touched and changed  from bad to good life. More of our students are now writing the grade 7 exam and the grade 10 exam.
Please do not stop coming to our school to help us teachers and our students. Many of our students are now believers.  Yes we have received Bibles from Pastor Iwell,  however we need more Bibles for this school due to high number of children.  Now the total number is more than 620 and we are awaiting the new grade 8 and 9 to come in January 2015. Please we are asking for Bibles in English for grade 5 to 9 and Chinyanja or Chichewa for grades one to four. Many of the children are coming to Emmanuel Baptist Church. Please pray for God’s mercy for this school to make more disciples and believers.
With many thanks EPI Coordinator Pastor Iwell Phiri

Testimony from the September 2014 Project

September 21, 2014 in Testimonies

Malitas Phiri 55 years old having 10 children at Chimchembele village has been saved from danger to life. This is great choice for this woman who has not gone to church all of her life of 55 years together with the family. This woman was a witch doctor and was a great woman to all the 14 villages around her village. When people would get sick they would go to this woman for help and pay $40-$100. This woman is very much rich but the bad part is that most people go to this woman but didn’t get help. Many deaths happen in those villages but no one has given these people in this village the right message and hope. It was on 16th of September when we reached this village and started witnessing door-to door.  This woman didn’t allow us to reach her home and even chased us from the compound calling us bad people and many bad names. In the evening time when we played our music the woman came and stood 30 meters away as she watched the Jesus Film. When I made the alter call, after preaching the good news of the Gospel, Ms. Phiri came forward from the crowd and made her choice to receive Christ and told me and the team to pray for her and her family. She asked us to help her burn all her magic tools and uniforms. Ms. Phiri, her husband and 10 children are now members of New Revelation Baptist Church that is a total of 12 people in this family.
With many thanks Pastor Iwell Phiri EPI COORDINATOR

Testimony from the August 2014 Project

August 15, 2014 in Testimonies

Hello and greeting s in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus amen to you my Lovely Director John and Sharon.
Yes the good news is that 15 leaders from the ZION church are now members of Patmos Baptist Church in the Chiefdom Nyanje. Yes God is using our Jesus Film equipment as true tools of His Grace. Many have come and have hope for the kingdom that never ends. All these leaders were at the Jesus Film and after my preaching, at the end of Jesus Film Shows, these people were touched and have promised to join the church with all family and are awaiting baptism. All have one wife and the total number of all the family members joining the church is 49. This is great news and we thank God for using EPI this way in the kingdom. We need your prayers. Satan is not happy for this but our almighty God is very HAPPY! Thanks! EPI Coordinator Iwell Phiri looking forward to your prayers!

Testimony from the July 2014 Project

July 10, 2014 in Testimonies

Hello and greetings in the Name of our lord Jesus!
Yes we have reached Mozambique. It was good news to reach Mr. John Tembo and his family. This man of 74 years old, together with his family were not going to have time to hear the word of God. This was an evil man involved in much evil practices including killing people and much bloodshed. But in due time EPI reached Phiya Village. This man did not like our coming, he even told the headman that those people are not good people. They want to bring death into this village but the headman allowed us to do the program with a happy heart. Yes before the Jesus film show we played the gospel music over our sound system and the man was touched by the music. He came to stand 6 meters away from the area. Yes after the Jesus film and the preaching of the gospel message, when the alter call was given, this man was the first man to come and give his life to Christ. The next morning he came with 23 family members and asked me to tell his family the good news of Christ. Yes all the family was touched with the word of God. John and his wife along with the older children all were baptized into Masaku Baptist Church. Thank God for your prayers that this bad man after hearing the true gospel has been saved. EPI COORDINATOR PASTOR PHIRI.

Testimony from the June 2014 Project

July 1, 2014 in Testimonies


This is truly Good news that even the chief of eastern region (the Mambo) helped us to reach unreached souls in CHANJES area.

Yes by visiting the Mambo Nyanje was the way of bringing the open door during our last June project 2014. Yes after our director John and Sharon left the Eastern region the Mambo called me to ask me to contact the chief from Chipata. The chief came and see me and said that I must go and show the Jesus Film in his village on 26th to 27th 28th of June. Because of the expense of the June project, I told the chief all what we did in June for our long project also that we have no money and we cannot do the project. I explained to the Chief that my director John and Sharon are still on the airplane traveling back to the U.S.

But the chief says I have been told of the goodness and work and how you have been helping the kingdom of this area and how the villagers have been helped.

So my heart is with you and this ministry. Come and help me with more and more problems with the people in my area. The Chief was concerned because the people were worshipping in darkness because of the Muslims. Because of this the Chief told me that he is going to send his 29 seat bus and 5 seat car to pick me and the team. We were able to do three Jesus Film Shows with over 5000 people receiving Christ.

Testimony from the May 2014 Project

May 30, 2014 in Testimonies

Hello Pastor,
Thanks very much for your prayers and ministry to bring this man Mr. Mulenga to true salvation. This man was a bad man with more tradition things but by receiving true message is now a good man. This man was very much a bad man and was doing nyau dancing, traditional making idols, adultery  and  he was stealing. From the time we reached Kabauwa Village this man was not wanting us to do the Jesus film shows and preaching.  The first day when we reach Kabauwa this man and 20 of his friends  started belting the nyau dreams so that all women and girls should not come to see Jesus films  shows. But due to your prayer, no one followed  Mr Mulenga and his friends and all people were at the Jesus films. Yes when the people saw that no one followed   Mulenga and his friends, they came to see what is going on in Kabauwa village.  By the grace of God he and his friends  found me preaching and Jesus is on the cross and when the alter call came, Mr Mulenga was the first man to come and be saved together with his 20 nyau dancing friends. It  was a very big miracle in this village. Mr. Mulenga together with his friend are now members of Discipleship Baptist Church. Together let us pray for this man and his friends to be strong.

With many-thanks


Testimony from the May Project

May 20, 2014 in Testimonies

My director John and Sharon.
Yes the testimony come from Wilson Banda. Wilson banda from Chibala villager have been baptised his wife and 7 children today this man was a bad man in this village for more than 50 year he was doing bad magic, wichcraft, everyone in village very was afraid with this man but when he come to Jesus film Show He was touched to see what Jesus did in his life for 68 years. And I have baptised this man together with his wife and 7 children. It was a happy day for all villager 220 people come from the villagers to see his baptism today. Now he is a happy man. Please pray for this man.
Thanks pastor Iwell phiri EPI coordinator Eastern Region.