Testimony from the December 2014 Project
January 1, 2015 in Testimonies
Testimony from Msale Village
Msale village is located in Sinda North under Chief Kawaza. This village is in the rural area and no one has reached this village with the gospel before. Msale village is surrounded by four smaller villages about 7-10 KM apart. We set up the Jesus Film on December 7th and began to play music as people were coming. A very large crowd from surrounding villages gathered for the showing of the film and after the gospel was preached, to our amazement, one of the first families to come forward for the invitation to receive Christ was the headman of the village, Mr. Msale. After the time of counseling Mr. Msale said to Iwell, “ Thank God for you pastor for coming to my village and bringing the good news about Jesus. This village has not received the true gospel for more than 40 years but today we have known the true gospel and the Jesus film. The headman and 6 children and one wife have joined Adonai Baptist Church. The headman did not go to church from the time he was born and the headman is 75 years old amd his wife is 55 years old. This family did not believe in God but in the traditional ways and all in this village were very much amazed that he came forward to receive Christ as his savior.
Not only the headman of Msale village was saved but when the invitation was given the witch doctor also came forward to receive Christ. Eunice, a woman of 52 years, was not a believer all her life and was a bad woman in msale village. She had been a witch doctor for over 30 years and had become rich selling charms and magic. God touched her heart and opened her eyes to the truth about Jesus and she gave her life to Christ. She told Iwell “This is truly the best day of my life. Thank you for bringing this good news to our village.” She asked me to come and help her burn all her charms and magic thus enabling her to begin a new life.